Support Us

Volunteer with the NCF and/or NCM

The National Cryptologic Foundation is a not for profit 501c(3) organization that benefits from volunteer help to perform its mission and functions. We invite anybody with an interest in cryptology and/or cybersecurity to consider volunteering. We have opportunities in the following areas: Education Program, Development & Fundraising, and with the NCF's Cryptologic Programs. Click the link below to learn more about specific opportunities in these various areas. If interested, please contact our office at (443) 795-4498.

In addition, the Museum is always interested in new volunteers.

See links below to learn more about all the available opportunities.

Volunteer with the Foundation

  • Please visit our Foundation Volunteer page to learn more about the variety of volunteer opportunities available.

Volunteer at the Museum

  • Visit the Museum Volunteer page to learn about the types of volunteers needed on an ongoing basis.


The Foundation hosts and supports a variety of outstanding cryptologic programs.