About the NCF Cybersecurity Games Project & Team.
In early 2021, the NCF, supported by a grant from the Arundel Community Development Services, Inc., teamed with Anne Arundel Community College to sponsor a three-student intern team to develop, design, construct, and deliver an operational cybersecurity-themed game. The target audience is K-12 with a focus on middle school. The game would first be available to play on the NCF website, and then eventually via a kiosk at the National Cryptologic Museum. This project had numerous benefits for the intern team, including project management experience and leveraging their cybersecurity, networking, digital forensics, and computer science knowledge.
Click here to check out an NCF #CyberChats program with the CyberHawk Game Team where the developers provide an Inside Look at Developing an Immersive Cybersecurity Game.
The Cyberhawk Games Team
Bio - Johnathon is a computer science student with a minor in cybersecurity at the University of Maryland Global Campus. When he graduates, Johnathon hopes to one day become a teacher of tech to future students in academia, and was happy to be included in this project. Teaching middle-schoolers on how to be cyber-safe is important to the future safety of our youth, and the internet. He hopes everyone in this game will not only enjoy the experience, but also learn a few tips and tricks!
Testimonial - "Overall, I've enjoyed this internship, and working with Elias, Rick, Jen, and the team. I have been able to apply some cybersecurity academics into making a video game that is semi-realistic. Additionally, each of our team members bring different skills to the table, which has helped me learn more about different areas of video game product creation. For example, Rick has taught me a lot about good project planning, and Elias is very good at story creation. I was able to also learn about the UNITY game making engine, and how I could use it to create a game environment. Although this internship has been remote, It has been an overall great experience!" ~ Johnathon Daniels
Bio - Elias DuBose is a former journalist and teacher who has found opportunities to write and educate internationally since first graduating from Morgan State University. Realizing his true passion is creating engaging, interactive experiences, he went back to school, where he is set to earn a professional degree in Game Development from Anne Arundel Community College.
Testimonial - "I have had a spectacular time working with the National Cryptologic Foundation.This internship has afforded me an opportunity to work on a project in a fashion that is very similar to what I will encounter as an independent Game Developer. With the NCF's support, I have been able to gain valuable experience collaborating with a diverse team of individuals to create something we all will be immensely proud of. This experience has tangibly improved my prospects for the future and for that I am thankful." ~ Elias DuBose
Bio - Jennifer Langdon is a former middle school science teacher who stopped teaching after six years to have a family and later decided to change careers to work in cybersecurity. She finished her Associates in Cybersecurity Information Assurance from Anne Arundel Community College in Fall of 2020. She enjoys an endless number of hobbies including computer/video games, fiber arts, running marathons, reading, baking, gardening and so on...
Testimonial - "The National Cryptologic Foundation has been really supportive of me and the project as a whole. I feel like everyone has a little piece of them somewhere in different parts of the game and that's the part that I love most about this journey. It's almost like a little secret between all of us how we came up with everything and what inspired what. As a former teacher, I feel it was an incredible honor working with such great professionals to bring our ideas together; having students and the importance of cybersecurity at the forefront of our minds throughout the process." ~ Jennifer Langdon
Bio - Rick is a Game Developer with broad knowledge of the technical art of Game Development. He has always enjoyed the idea of gamifying education and was happy to help bring this project to life. His philosophy regarding the building of games is that you should be creating experiences worth having. He hopes everyone who plays this game learns something and enjoys the process.
Testimonial - "Working in partnership with the National Cryptologic Foundation on their gamified learning program has been a great experience. We have been building a game to convey the principles of cybersecurity through an online interactive experience. The project has allowed me to develop my skills in designing and implementing concepts from an educational standpoint while collaborating in a team setting. The ability to have our work demonstrated in public and professional settings is a wonderful opportunity to show off what we can do. It's been a pleasure to work with Mark, Nancy, & Jenn at the NCF to bring our project to fruition." ~ Rick Williams
The Original Game

Amanita Whitehat and the Curious Case of the Compromised Computers - Game 1
You are Amanita Whitehat, a cyber security expert tasked with saving your employer from several attacks on their company's data. To fight against the many intrusions, talk with each employee to find and cure what is plaguing their systems. Some cyber attacks occur virtually, while others are physical, so keep an open mind and have fun!
Stay tuned as the next game in the Amanita Whitehat Series is coming in early 2023. Click the button below to watch the trailer for Amanita Whitehat: Mayhem at Mallory Middle.