
How to Be Cyber Safe + Savvy - A Data Care Booklet for Adults

See below for more....


Every time you use your smartphone, tablet, or computer, you share your personal data. Do you know how to keep your data safe? Often the technology thrust into our lives is puzzling. We hear about the increasing incidence of cyber hacks in the news. What does that mean? How might it affect you and your family? In an increasingly digital world, we must learn about cybersecurity and practice data care to protect yourself, your devices, and online accounts.

Our How to Be Cyber Safe + Savvy Data Care booklet for adults is an excellent resource. View it here digitally and/or download it. In the booklet, you will learn the importance of taking care of your data, using devices with confidence, connecting devices with confidence, finding trust in online accounts, and protecting yourself from fraud and scams. Each chapter has summary takeaways, and examples to follow to help you be cyber safe and savvy!

The NCF is grateful to our development partner Start Engineering, and to Gula Tech Adventures, for funding this critical Data Care project.

Featured in Kiplinger's Magazine - February 2023 (see full article below)

The NCF is pleased to report that our "How to be Cyber Safe & Savvy" booklet for adults is featured in the February 2023 issue of Kiplinger's Magazine. With a circulation of approximately one million readers, excluding pass-along, Kiplinger's is the top personal finance magazine in the country. And in case you aren't familiar  - Janet Bodnar's column is one of the most popular columns in the publication. For her article, she interviewed Eric Iverson, vice president learning and communications, at Smart Engineering (our partner in producing the booklet). We hope you will take a moment to read the piece (see below) and if you haven't yet downloaded the booklet - check it out today!

The How to be Cyber Safe and Savvy data care booklet was developed by Start Engineering in partnership with the National Cryptologic Foundation through a grant from Gula Tech Adventures, the publication is aimed at helping adults take care of their personal data and teaching them the latest technologies' ins and outs. 

Kiplinger's article - click to view download

Data Care for Youth

Do you know a young person who could benefit from learning how to protect their online data?