Cryptologic Programs & Cybersecurity Events

NCF General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium

Although the NCF General Membership Meeting & Annual Cryptologic Symposium (GMM) took place in October for many years, starting in 2022 - the program moved to May. In addition to updates about the Foundation's activities and initiatives, the program typically includes guest speakers, a timely keynote address, and often an expert panel discussion. The program also includes an In Memoriam tribute to Foundation members we have lost in the past year.

Find links below to RECAP PAGES featuring information about and photos from previous Membership Meetings & Symposiums.

The in-person NCF General Membership Meeting (GMM) scheduled for Tuesday, 29 April 2025 has been cancelled

* Please note the 2025 CCH Cryptologic History Symposium that was scheduled to take place 30 April & 1 May has been cancelled due to a variety of factors. We apologize for any inconvenience. We are hopeful the program will be rescheduled in 2026. 


*** Click on the program dates below to visit a recap page (when available) with more information and photos.

  • The 25th NCF General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium took place on 9 May 2023 at DreamPort in Columbia, MD. The theme for the program was "Military Contributions to the Cryptologic Mission." The event included several special guest panelists who spoke to the topic, as well as keynote speaker Mr. Martin Karman-Bauer, NSA Chief, Strategic Engagement - who gave a presentation about "Military Cryptography in the Final Days of Afghanistan." The program included updates about the Museum and Foundation, as well as a special raffle of steganography prints created by artist Don Gauger. Click on the date to learn more and see photos.

  • The 24th NCF GMM was sponsored by the University of Maryland Global Campus and held as a hybrid event (Zoom webinar and limited in-person seating). During the program, the NCF's first Education Awards were presented to Northrop Grumman and to Dr. Greg Von Lehmen. Recognition was also given to former NCF volunteers and staff persons. The program featured special guest speakers Mr. Harry Wetherbee and Ms. Betsy Rohaly Smoot. Natalie Laing, NSA, also spoke, as did Dr. Vince Houghton, Museum Director. The program also included In Memoriam tributes, an update from our Education Program by Jessica Peker, and updates about the CCEI from NCF CEO Laura Nelson. Click on the date to view the full recap page with photos and video.

  • The 2021 NCF General Membership Meeting was held via Zoom and was a scaled back program. Our annual meeting typically includes a symposium featuring one or more guest speakers. Due to Covid, we opted to only feature the meeting and hold our guest speakers for a future in-person event. The meeting included In Memoriam tributes, as well as an opportunity to honor staff and volunteers who retired in the past year. It also included opening remarks from an NSA senior official, general Foundation news, updates about the effort to build a CCEI facility, information from our Education Program director about recent successes, current projects, and future goals, and a Museum status report from the NCM director.

  • The 2020 General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium was held virtually (for the first time) due to COVID-19. The theme of the program was "A Virtual Afternoon at the Museum." The program featured a virtual tour of select Museum exhibits, Foundation and Museum updates - to include In Memoriam and updates on the campaign to build the CCEI-NCM, Education Program news, and a keynote presentation by Dr. Michael Warner, U.S. Cyber Command Historian and Lt. Col. John Childress, USA. Warner and Childress who spoke on themes from their book, "The Use of Force for State Power: History and Future."

  • The 2019 NCMF symposium featured an exposé of Soviet and Russian active measures to engage in political warfare and to conduct espionage against the U.S. and others using close access and other means. Our guest speakers were directly involved in working to thwart these security threats. In addition, the program included information about NCMF and museum activities as well as an update on the Cyber Center for Education & Innovation and New Museum Project. There was also a special In Memoriam tribute. Click on the date or image to learn more about the speakers and the program.

  • The 20th NCMF Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium focused on the 50th anniversary of the Tet Offensive and featured NSA and CIA expert panel discussions. The keynote address was provided by Dr. Thomas R. Johnson, former NSA and CIA historian and author of the book American Cryptology During the Cold War 1945-1989: The Complete Declassified Official Four-Volume History of the NSA, The Meeting also included updates about the Foundation, current Museum initiatives, and CCEI/NCM Project progress update. Finally, NSA historian Greg Nedved provided a presentation of "Codetappers." Please click on the date of the program to view the recap page and photos from the event.

  • The 2017 NCMF General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium took place on 18 October. The theme of the program was "How Cyber Has Changed the World Around Us" and included opening remarks from NSA's new Deputy Director George Barnes. The program featured Dr. Mary Aiken, renowned Irish forensic cyberpsychologist, award-winning writer Mr. Yudhijit Bhattacharjee, and a special panel of cyber experts. The program also included updates about the current museum and the New Museum Project. Click HERE or on the program date to see the program recap page with a gallery of photos from the event.

  • The theme of the 2016 program was "Combating Domestic Terrorism." The agenda included updates about the Foundation, the Museum, and the New Museum Project. There was also a memorial tribute to cryptologic "heroes" Ann Caracristi, Dave Gaddy, and Juanita Moody. The morning guest speaker was Mr. Paul Goldenberg. In the afternoon the program featured guest speaker Ronald Lee, as well as an law enforcement panel discussion featuring state and federal law enforcement experts. Click HERE or on the date of the program for more recap and PHOTOS!

  • The theme of the 17th NCMF General Meeting & Symposium was "The Changing Face of Terrorism." Guest speakers included Mr. Robert Grenier, former director, CIA Counterterrorism Center & author of "88 Days to Kandahar," Mr. David Rohde, author of "A Rope and a Prayer, A Kidnapping from Two Sides," and Ms. Nancy Dillman, former CIA case officer, Afghanistan. Mr. Tahir Luddin who was kidnapped with David Rohde also spoke during the program. Learn about the authors who spoke at the program. The meeting included updates about the NCMF from NCMF President Richard Schaeffer, a Museum update from curator Pat Weadon, and updates about the New Museum Project from Larry Castro, Chief Operating Officer, CCEI-NMP. A special tribute to former NCMF BoD Chairman Lt. Gen Lincoln Faurer was part of the 2015 program. During the program, the lobby area featured book sales, cryptologic displays, guest tables, and the NCMF held a silent auction fundraiser of rare items. View a PDF of the official program. CLICK ABOVE ON PROGRAM DATE OR CLICK HERE TO VIEW EVENT PHOTOS.

  • The theme of the 2014 NCMF 16th General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium was "Effects of the Internet, Social Media, and Open Source Data on Intelligence Analysis." Speakers included Mr. Jonathan Darby, Deputy Director of Analysis and Production at NSA and Mr. John "Chris" Inglis, the US Naval Academy Robert Looker Chair for Cyber Operations (and former Deputy Director, NSA). Additional speakers included Mr. Alex Borhani and Ms. Mirian Fontanez from the FBI and Mr. Martin Peterson (former CIA). There was also a video message from Mr. Richard Ledgett, Deputy Director, NSA. The program included updates from NCMF President Mr. Richard Schaeffer and NCM Curator Mr. Pat Weadon. There was also an update on the new museum project from Mr. Larry Castro. View the Full Program on the EVENT RECAP PAGE.

  • "Safeguarding Intelligence" ~ Keynote address provided by The Honorable Michael Chertoff, founder of the Chertoff Group, and former Secretary, Homeland Security. The program also included guest speakers Mr. John C. (Chris) Inglis, then Deputy Director, NSA, and David Major, retired FBI supervisory special agent and founder/president of Counterintelligence Centre for Security Studies. View the FULL PROGRAM.

  • "Preparing for Cyberwar" ~ Guest speaker, author Joel Brenner, as well as a Panel Discussion on the Future of the Service Cryptologic Components (SCC) in the Digital Cyber Age with Senior Commanders of the SCCs. View the FULL PROGRAM.


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