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Check out AFIO Now's program featuring James Gosler. (Listen via Podcast)

AFIO Now program with James Gosler

We welcome you to check out a recent AFIO Now virtual program featuring James Gosler. The program is now available to the public either via YouTube or via Podcast. See more details and links below.

AFIO Now Presents: James Gosler

November 8, 2021

In this episode, former Director of CIA's Clandestine Information Technology Office and one of the nation's foremost experts on cybersecurity, James Gosler, discusses the pervasive and existentially disruptive cyber threats the U.S. faces from adversaries. He describes what is required to warn, educate, prepare for, and possibly mitigate these growing threats. Recorded 16 Jun 2021. Host: James Hughes, AFIO President and former CIA Operations Officer. 

Listen to this Podcast now via Podbean. OR   Watch the program via YouTube.

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Our cryptologic & cybersecurity programs highlight relevant topics and feature exciting guest speakers.