Season 3

#CyberChats Podcast Season 3 Promo: Meet Kennedy Taylor, new Host of #CyberChats Podcast

Kennedy Taylor
Kennedy Taylor

Welcome to Season 3 of the #CyberChats Podcast!

We are ecstatic to welcome Kennedy Taylor to the National Cyptologic Foundation (NCF) family! 

You may remember Kennedy from Season 2, where she shared her journey to cyber and the title of Miss Maryland with former #CyberChats Podcast host, Jennifer Langdon! 

Listen in to learn more about Kennedy and what you can expect during Season 3 of the #CyberChats Podcast!

Meta-CTF Challenges

Register for #CyberChats' Cyber Challenges below to compete individually or join a team, and look for your name on the leaderboard. For more practice, register for MetaCTF's free monthly Flash CTF.

Click the button below to register via the MetaCTF site and compete.


Many thanks to our Season 3 Sponsors

Online Cyber Games

Explore the Amanita Whitehat Cyber Game Series.