Recently on Twitter and Facebook, we asked our community what book titles they would recommend from their personal library of cryptology-related books. For one of our Twitter friends, this meant choosing from his collection of 132 titles! WOW!
We thought we would provide a listing of the titles shared for those who might want to refer back for reading material suggestions. Any errors in title or author name are our errors in translation. Many thanks to those of you who shared recommendations. If you would like to suggest a title to be added to this list, please email webadmin@cryptologicfoundation.org
From the library of Howard C (@borneobat on Twitter)
Battle of Wits by Stephen Budiansky
The Secret Listeners by Sinclair McKay
Station X: The Codebreakers of Bletchley Park by Michael Smith
Secret Days, Codebreaking in Bletchley Park by Asa Briggs
Hitler's Spies by David Kahn
Joe Rochefort's War by Elliot Carlson **special mention**
Codebreaking, A History and Exploration by Rudolph Kippenhahn
Ultra in the West by Ralph Bennett
They Listened in Secret by Gwendolyn Page
Ultra Goes to War by Ronald Lewin
Most Secret War by RV Jones
Hijacking Enigma by Christine Large
Intercept, The Enigma War by Jozef Garlinski
Enigma, U-Boats Breaking the Code by Jak P Mallman Showell
Bletchley Park, An Inmate's Story by James Thirsk
Colossus 1943-1996 by Tony Sale
Alan Turing, The Enigma of Intelligence by Andrew Hodges
The Man Who Broke Purple by Ronald W. Clark
Unraveling Enigma by Maurice Freedman
The Ultra Magic Deals by Bradley F. Smith
Cracking the Luftwaffe Codes by Gwen Watkins
The Other Ultra by Ronald Lewin
Hitler's Codebreakers by John Jackson
Colossus Edited by B Jack Copeland
SOE The Special Operations Executive 1940-46 by M R D Foot
Enigma: The Battle for the Code by Hugh Sebag Montefiore
The Emperor's Codes by Michael Smith
Code Wars by John Jackson
Britain's Best Kept Secret: Ultra's Base at Bletchley Park by Ted Enever
Bletchley Park People by Marion Hill
The Codebreakers by David Kahn
Seizing the Enigma by David Kahn
The Code Book by Simon Singh
Action this Day by Michael Smith and Ralph Erskine
Bletchley Park: Home of Station X by Lindsey Butters
Bletchley Park Guidebook by Bletchley Park Trust
Neil Webster's Cribs for Victory by Joss Pearson
The Ultra Secret by F W Winterbotham
Enigma Variations: Love, War, & Bletchley Park by Irene Young
Herivelismus and The German Military Enigma by John Herivel
Colossus: Bletchley Park's Greatest Secret by Paul Gannon
The Secret Life of Bletchley Park by Sinclair McKay
The Hut Six Story by Gordon Welchman
Top Secret Ultra by Peter Calvocoressi
Dear Code Breaker by Kerry Howard
My Road to Bletchley Park by Doreen Luke
Harold "Doc" Keen and The Bletchley Park Bombe by John Keen
Bletchley Park: The Codebreakers of Station X by Michael Smith
Codebreaker in the Far East by Alan Stripp
Code Breakers: The Inside Story of Bletchley Park by F H Hinsley and Alan Stripp
The Third Reich at War by Michael Veranov
The Secrets of Station X by Michael Smith
History of Bletchley Park Huts & Blocks (1939-45) by GCHQ
Codebreakers' Victory by Hervie Haufler
The Turing Bombe by Frank Carter
Breaking Naval Enigma by Frank Carter
The First Breaking of Enigma by Frank Carter
Codebreaking with the Colossus Computer by Frank Carter
Eavesdropping on Hell by Robert J. Hanyok
The Cryptographic Mathematics of Enigma by Dr. A. Ray Miller
Dilly, The Man Who Broke Enigmas by Mavis Batey
Gordon Welchman, Bletchley Park's Architect of Ultra Intelligence by Joel Greenberg
Secret Postings, Bletchley Park to the Pentagon by Charlotte Webb
The Post Office at War and Fenny Stratford Repeater Station by John Pether
Black Propaganda by John Pether
Funkers & Sparkers Origins and Formation of the "Y" Service by John Pether
Japanese Codes by Sue Jarvis
List still in progress..... keep checking back!
From the library of @PayneHarrison
Black Cipher by Payne Harrison
America's Team (short story set at Ft. Meade) - *Coming Soon!
From the library of @geoffsengine
Elementary Cryptanalysis: A Mathematical Approach by Abraham Sinkov
From the library of Frode Weierud (@FWeierud)
Codebreakers: Arne Beurling and the Swedish Crypto Program During WWII by Bengt Beckman
From the library of Brian Smith (@Brian_____)
Hacker's Delight, 2nd edition by Henry S. Warren
From the library of @Alsweigart
Hacking Secret Ciphers with Python by Al Sweigart
From the library of @Matthew_d_Green
European Scrambling Systems by John McCormac
From the library of Tony Arciere (@bascule)
Crypto by Stephen Levy
Cryptography Engineering by Schneier and Ferguson
From the library of Ollivier Robert (@keltounet)
The Codebreakers
Applied Cryptography by Bruce Schneier (also a favorite of Charles R. Smith (@softwarnet)
Various Papers by Diffie and Hellman
From the library of Anthony Ramienski (@flagboy140654)
The American Black Chamber by Herbert O. Yardley (also a favorite of Art la flamme @artlaflamme)
And I Was There: Breaking the Secrets - Pearl Harbor and Midway by Rear Admiral Edwin T. Layton
Secret Missions
From the library of @tweetdkp
The Design of Everyday Things by Don Norman
From the library of Dick Paronto
The Ultra Secret by Winterbotham
From the library of John F. Dooley
The Intelligencer by Leslie Seibert
How I Discovered WWII's Greatest Spy by David Kahn
From the library of Steve Bellovin @Stevebellovin
Silk and Cyanide by Leo Marks
Frank R. Rowlett: The Story of Magic
Venona: Soviet Espionage and the American Response - Robert Louis Benson and Michael Warner, Eds
The Reader of Gentlemen's Mail: Herbert O. Yardley and the Birth of American Codebreaking by David Kahn
Lady GI: A Woman's War in the South Pacific by Irene Brion
Double-Edged Secrets: U.S. Naval Intelligence Operations in the Pacific During World War II by W. J. Holmes
History of the Military Intelligence Division by Bruce Bidwell
United States Diplomatic Codes and Ciphers, 1775-1938 by Ralph E. Weber
The Secret in Building 26 by Jim DeBrosse and Colin Burke
Secret History: The Story of Cryptology by Craig Bauer
Code Warriors: NSA's Codebreakers and the Secret Intelligence War Against the Soviet Union by Stephen Budiansky
From the library of Allen D. Dayton
Enigma: Ou La Plus Grande Enigme De La Guerre 1939 - 1945 by Gustave Bertrand *** This is the book that first spilled the beans even before Winterbotham's book -- In French
Kahn on Codes: Secrets of the New Cryptology by David Kahn
Enigma: How the German Machine Cipher was Broken and How it Was Read by the Allies in World War II by Wladyslaw Kozaczuk
Delusions of Intelligence: Enigma, Ultra, and the End of Secure Ciphers by R.A. Ratcliff
GCHQ: The Secret Wireless War 1900-86 by Nigel West
The SIGINT Secrets: The Signals Intelligence War 1900 to Today Including the Persecution of Gordon Welchman by Nigel West
The American Codebreakers: The U.S. Role in ULTRA by Thomas Parrish
The Ultra-Magic Deals: And the Most Secret Special Relationship, 1940-1946 by Bradley F. Smith
The Secret War: The Inside Story of The Code Makers and Code Breakers of World War II by Michael Patterson
The Eavesdroppers: The Best Kept Secret of World War 2 by Jack Bleakley
MacArthur's Ultra: Codebreaking and the War Against Japan, 1942-1945 by Edward J. Drea
Marching Orders: The Untold Story of World War II by Bruce Lee
Enigma: How the Poles Broke the Nazi Code by Wladyslaw Kozaczuk and Jerzy Straszak
Venona: The Greatest Secret of the Cold War by Nigel West
The Story of Decipherment: From Egyptian Hieroglyphs to Maya Script by Maurice Pope
Very Special Intelligence by Patrick Beesly
From Fish to Colossus: How the German Lorenz Cipher was Broken at Bletchley Park by Harvey G. Cragon
War Secrets in the Ether by Wilhelm F. Flicke
The Enigma Symposium 1998 Edited by Hugh Skillen
The Enigma Symposium 1999 Edited by Hugh Skillen
Recommendation by Ollivier Robert (@keltounet)
The Woman Who Smashed Codes: A True Story of Love and the Unlikely Heroine Who Outwitted America's Enemies by Jason Fagone
Recommendation by New America Cyber (@NewAmCyber)
Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II by Liza Mundy
Recommendation by James (@bannerdale)
The Cypher Bureau by Eilidh McGinness (historical fiction about the early successes at breaking the Enigma by Polish mathematicians at the Polish Cipher Bureau)