Convening to Act

Convening to Act
Quantum Resistant Cryptography (QRC) in Firmware
December 2023 - Slides & Speaker Info

Our Progress Through Partnership with the National Security Agency (NSA) is essential for staying ahead of emerging threats and ensuring the resilience of our nation's security infrastructure. Thus, the NCF in partnership with the NSA, is sponsoring a series of dialogues, called Convening to Act programs, to identify emerging challenges in cybersecurity and cryptology.

On 4 December 2023, the NCF hosted the first in a Convening to Act series. The program featured a multidisciplinary dialogue, including government, academia, and industry, to discuss advancing the adoption of Quantum Resistant Cryptography in Firmware for the Defense Industrial Base (DIB) and beyond, including small and medium-sized businesses. This well-received program took place in Hanover, MD.

See below for slide presentations, agenda, and information about the December 2023 speakers & panelists.

Return to main Convening to Act web page.

Program Agenda & Slide Presentations - Dec 2023 - click to view

4 December 2023 Speakers

Additional Speakers - Bios

We were fortunate to have several additional speakers and panelists for our program. Please click on the names below for biographic information.

Many Thanks to our Generous Sponsor

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