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Convening to Act
Quantum Resistant Cryptography (QRC) in Firmware
December 2023 - Slides & Speaker Info

Bill Newhouse, Cybersecurity Engineer & Project Lead, NIST-NCCoE

Bill Newhouse, Cybersecurity Engineer & Project Lead, NIST-NCCoE

Bill Newhouse is a cybersecurity engineer at the National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) in the Applied Cybersecurity Division in the Information Technology Laboratory at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST).

His work at the NCCoE, NIST's applied cybersecurity lab, pushes for the adoption of functional cybersecurity reference designs built from commercially available technologies provided by project collaborators. These projects include establishing communities of interest with members from industry, academia, and government to gain insight to define project's that address cybersecurity risk faced by the members of the community of interest. NCCoE projects are documented in NIST SP 1800 series publications known as practices guides. He has completed guides addressing cybersecurity risk in the hospitality and retail sectors as well as an early demonstration of derived credentials. He recently completed a cybersecurity collaboration with the U.S. Department of Energy that resulted in a Cybersecurity Framework Profile developed for the Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) industry and the subsidiary functions that support the overarching liquefaction process, transport, and distribution of LNG. His responsibilities as the financial services sector lead also include identifying ways to include financial services sector use case scenarios in relevant NCCoE projects/practice guides. He is presently leading projects on Data Classification and Migration to Post-Quantum Cryptography.

Mr. Newhouse led the publication of the August 2017 version of the NIST Special Publication 800-181 National Initiative for Cybersecurity Education (NICE) Cybersecurity Workforce Framework (NICE Framework), a reference structure that describes the interdisciplinary nature of the cybersecurity work.

Mr. Newhouse began his Federal career over 36 years ago at NSA as a cooperative education student.  During his 23 years at NSA, his focus shifted from telecommunication systems to information assurance.  His final five years at NSA included assignments to the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering and then with the Office of the Chief Information Officer for Identity and Information Assurance where he focused on cybersecurity R&D oversight and technology discovery.

For 18 years, he has participated in Federal cybersecurity focused R&D working groups and contributed to three different Federal cybersecurity R&D Strategic Plans.

Mr. Newhouse received a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a Master of Science in the Field of Telecommunications Engineering from the George Washington University.

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