Cryptologic Bytes

"On This Date in Cryptologic History" Calendar

1969: William Friedman died.

Thursday, November 2, 2023

2 Nov 1969: American Cryptologic Pioneer William Friedman died. On 23 April 2015, the National Security Agency released over 52,000 pages of historical material related to the career of pioneer cryptologist William F. Friedman. This collection, composed of over 52,000 pages in more than 7,600 documents (along with some sound recordings and photographs), has been preserved in the NSA Archives for its historic significance and value. The bulk of the material dates from 1930-1955 and represents Mr. Friedman’s work at the Signals Intelligence Service, the Signal Security Agency, the Armed Forces Security Agency, and NSA. Search the full Friedman Collection online (and Friedman lectures) via the NSA website - see links below.

Read about William Friedman's accomplishments in his NSA Cryptologic Hall of Honor entry via the link below.


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