Convening to Act

Convening to Act
Managing High Impact Artificial Intelligence National Security Applications
November 2024 - Draft Agenda & Speaker Information

The NCF's Progress Through Partnership with the National Security Agency (NSA) is essential for staying ahead of emerging threats and ensuring the resilience of our nation's security infrastructure. Thus, the NCF, in partnership with the NSA, sponsors a series of dialogues called Convening to Act programs to identify emerging challenges in cybersecurity and cryptology. The first two programs explored the topic of Quantum Resistant Cryptography. 

The November 2024 program will focus on the important topic of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on national security applications. Space is limited. Reserve your spot by registering now.  

Learn more about upcoming and prior programs via the main Convening to Act page.

See a draft agenda below. Stay tuned for more details, including speaker bios. After the program, photos and slide decks will be included on this page, where available. 

November 2024 Draft Agenda

Day One - 7 November 2024

Industry Keynote by Phil Venables.
VP and Chief Information Security Officer, Google

Panel on the current state of Responsible AI with a focus on EO, OMB guidance, and NSM expectations. (USG participation)

Fireside Chat Vinh Nguyen and Alex Givens 
(CEO of Center for Democracy and Technology)

Panel on USIC Privacy, Civil Liberties, and Legal Challenges, moderated by TD Stuck.

Lightning round discussions with USG SMEs on AI challenges and practical experiences.

Governance panel covering AI risks, lifecycle, and oversight. (USG/CS/IN participation)

Future of AI acquisition, featuring representatives from USD A+S, NSC, NSA, and OMB.

Dinner Agenda:  subject to change
5:00-6:00 pm:  Cocktail Reception
6:00pm:  Guests proceed to ballroom for dinner
6:10pm:  Welcome Remarks
6:20pm:  Prepared remarks by General Haugh
6:35pm:  Seated Dinner
7:20 - 8:00pm: Q&A with General Haugh

Day Two -  8 November 2024

Panel on DoD/USIC Responsible AI Officers.

  • Lakshmi Raman
  • Ramesh Menon
  • Emma Hague

AI security chat AISI (AI Safety Institute (Commerce/NIST) and NSA AISC.  

  • Lisa Einstein
    New CISA Chief AI officer (invited)
  • Tahira Mammen 
    AISC director will serve as moderator
  • Elizabeth Kelly 

Academic presentations on Responsible AI, including demos from CMU, Princeton, and others.

Panel on privacy technological concerns, possibly combined with the academic round.

Speakers, Panelists, & Moderators - Bios

Please stay tuned for information about our speakers, panelists, and moderators.

Thank You to our Generous November 2024 Sponsors

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