Eagle Alliance-hosted Crypto Cup

2022 "Tim Sheahan Memorial" Crypto Cup Recap

Crypto Cup 2022 Check Presentation

NCF President & CEO Laura Nelson receives the 2022 Crypto Cup check for $27,000 from Jim Millette, Eagle Alliance Program Manager.

The 21st Annual Eagle Alliance-hosted "Tim Sheahan Memorial" Crypto Cup Golf Tournament was held on 20 October 2022, with proceeds benefiting the National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF). Once past the chilly a.m. start, we were thrilled to have blue skies and warm sunny weather for a day at Compass Pointe Golf Course in Pasadena, MD. In addition to all of the regular features such as the Spy Hole, this year's event included new features such as a "Beat the Pro" hole and drone footage (link coming soon)!

Congratulations to Team Moose (1st Place!) and to all of the winning teams - see details and photos below.

NCF President Laura Nelson recognized birthday golfer & tournament regular Bill Saadi - whose 91st birthday was on the day of the Crypto Cup! Laura also gave special thanks to Ms. Karen Rios for her excellent inaugural year as Event Coordinator and recognized former coordinator Stephanie Brandhofer for her support.

Jim Millette, Eagle Alliance Program Manager, presented the NCF with a tournament check for $27,000. Over the past 21 years, the Crypto Cup has raised well over $750,000. The Foundation is deeply grateful to Eagle Alliance, the generous sponsors, the golfers, the volunteers, the raffle donors, and to all who helped to make this year's tournament another big success. THANK YOU!

Thank You Sponsors!

Thank you to ALL of the generous 2022 Crypto Cup Sponsors. We are not only grateful for the continued support of many returning sponsors, but also for our new sponsors this year! Visit our 2022 Sponsors page for more info.

Thank You, Volunteers! (click on images below to enlarge)

The Crypto Cup would never be the successful event it always is without the dedication and support of the amazing team of VOLUNTEERS! Acknowledged during the banquet were the following volunteers:

Karen Rios, EA (Event Coordinator)
Theresa Mills, Accu-Tech
Maggie McGowan, FedData
Stephanie Lynn-Brown, FedData
Christina Rossomondo, AT&T
Loren Groves, AT&T
Kaylee Roberts, AT&T
Michele Geoghegan, EA
Steven Brower, EA
Adam Breckenridge, EA

Special thanks from the Foundation to Karen Rios for her excellent job organizing her first Crypto Cup!

Tournament Winners!

Congratulations to all the Tournament winners - to include special contest prize winners and lucky raffle winners too! Photos of the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place teams are coming soon!!!

Special Contest Winners

  • Mega-Putt Contest: Greg Barber

    Prize: $100 Compass Pointe Gift Card

  • Longest Drive (Women): Carol Traynor

    Prize: $75 Compass Pointe Gift Card

  • Longest Drive (Men): Brad Tate

    Prize: $75 Compass Pointe Gift Card

  • Closest to the Pin: Geoff Brown

    Prize: $100 Compass Pointe Gift Card

  • Beat the Pro Hole - Closest to the Pin: Allen Huevel

    Prize: Rangefinder

Spy Hole 2022 Photos! (click on images to enlarge)

Spy Hole 2022

The 2022 Spy Hole!

The Spy Hole is always a popular Crypto Cup stop. Many thanks to all the teams who try on disguises and look silly - all for a great cause! Explore a gallery of the 2022 Spy Hole photos below. Thanks again, golfers!

Additional 2022 Crypto Cup Photos (click on images to enlarge)

"Tim Sheahan Memorial" Crypto Cup

Learn about the history of the Eagle Alliance Crypto Cup and see recaps from past tournaments.