Cryptographers Connect at the NCF's 2023 General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium.
The NCF's 2023 General Membership Meeting & Annual Symposium (held on 9 May 2023 in Columbia, MD) gave cryptographers Darnell Washington and Whitfield Diffie an opportunity to connect and chat.
Whitfield” Whit” Diffie is an American cryptographer and mathematician and one of the pioneers of public-key cryptography along with Martin Hellman and Ralph Merkle. Diffie and Hellman's 1976 paper New Directions in Cryptography introduced a radically new method of distributing cryptographic keys that helped solve key distribution—a fundamental problem in cryptography.
Darnell Washington is an American cyber expert, cryptographer, and a pioneer of use of asymmetric cryptography in IP based camera technology solutions. His 2011 Introduction to Credentialed High Assurance Video Encryption technology, known as CHAVE – presented a technology enabling forensically auditable proof of authenticity ensuring that multimedia content could not be altered or manipulated without detection.
Both inventors have patented technologies in a wide field of use ranging from secure remote teleconferencing to high entropy cryptographic seed key generation values used in modern networking.
Mr. Washington currently serves the Foundation as the Senior Advisor for Training. Mr. Diffie served for many years on the NCF's BoD. Both are NCF members and valued supporters.