Results of the 13th Annual Tim Sheahan Memorial Golf Tournament (aka Crypto Cup). This event raised close to $38,000 in support of the NCMF.

On 6 June 2014, Eagle Alliance sponsored its 13th Annual Tim Sheahan Memorial Golf Tournament to benefit the National Cryptologic Museum Foundation, Inc. It was a gorgeous, sunny day with temperatures in the high 70’s. 120 players gathered at the Patuxent Greens Golf Course in Laurel to enjoy a day of fun and friendly competition. Volunteers checked in players and made sure everyone received their goodie bags, as well as manned two beverage stations and photographed the event. A putting contest was held before tee-off with a TaylorMade putter going to the winner, Mark Roper of Eagle Alliance.
After 18 holes of play, everyone gathered together for a country buffet lunch and award ceremony.
First place, in their matching shirts (see below): Ron Hurley, Danny Pflieger, Ryan Diehl and Marc Crumpler of Superior Communications, Inc. (SCI) with an amazing score of 55 (16 under par). Dave Tetreault, EA's Program Manager, back left, presented the winners prize along with Dick Schaeffer, NCMF President.

Dave Tetreault (blue shirt) with the second place winners: Kevin Powderly, Andy Powderly, and Mike Myers - Rich Persinger was not present. The team represented CyberCore Technologies

Dave Tetreault (blue shirt) with third place winners: Pat Furey, Hunter Lochte, and Tim Wickiser. Mark Guthrie was not present. The team represented Lexmark.
Other contests were held during play and the winners were:
Longest Drive – Ladies: Tammy Marks
Longest Drive- Mens: Geoff Brown
Closest to the Pin: Mark Guthrie
The tournament closed with a presentation by Dave Tetreault of Eagle Alliance (on the left) of a $30,000 check to NCMF President, Mr. Dick Schaefer (on the right). The total donation amount came close to $38,000 once everything was tallied. See more photos from the event in the gallery below.
Update as of August 2014: Click to see photos from the Eagle Alliance Tournament Volunteer Award & Appreciation Luncheon, held in July 2014.

Special thanks is due the EA Event Coordinator, Stephanie Agostinelli, for her tireless efforts in recruiting sponsors and canvassing local merchants for donations. Many golfers expressed their appreciation for her skill in making the tournament a success. Thanks is also due to NCMF member, John Garcia, who photographed the event for the Foundation.
The SPONSORS who made the event as success include:
- Brocade
Clearshark - CNI
Corning Cable Systems
CS2 Consulting (& Dell Software)
Cybercore Technologies
General Dynamics Information Technology
Hewlett Packard
Intelligent Decisions, Inc.
KEYW Corporation
Lexmark International, Inc.
MCO Computer Supplies
Superior Communications, Inc.
Tech USA
DONATIONS were also provided by:
Corning (TV)
Red Lobster, in Laurel
Cycle Gear, in Laurel
ECI Marketing – Power Plant, in Baltimore
Medieval Times, at Arundel Mills
Bon Fresco, in Annapolis Junction
Mission BBQ, in Glen Burnie
TGI Fridays, in Laurel
Hooters, in Laurel
Bowie Baysox
National Cryptologic Museum Foundation
Eagle Alliance and CyberCore employees
The VOLUNTEERS who made the event so successful:
Jaclyn Lily from IDI , Susan Shapero from HP, Jessica Furey & Darlene Siegal from CyberCore and, from Eagle Alliance: Frank Eilbacher, Winnie Weeks, Al-Wayne Morgan, Jim Taylor, Dawn Pruss, Jennifer Robinson, and our very special Stephanie Agostinelli.
Please view photos from the Eagle Alliance Volunteer Award & Appreciation Luncheon (July 2014).