Season 2

#CyberChats Podcast Season 2 Trailer - Welcome Back!

Listen to the Podcast - S2 Trailer

Trailer Details

Welcome back to Season 2 of #CyberChats!

We have lots in store for this season. To start off, we have a quick introduction to your host and some info and updates about our show. Then, a sneak peek at some of this season's guests!

Be sure to follow us on Instagram @ncfcyber, and sign up for updates on our website to get news about when episodes drop, when challenges open and close, and to submit your original questions for our guests.

What are you waiting for?

The Season 2 NCF Challenges are free and are sponsored & hosted by MetaCTF. To compete, you will need an account on the MetaCTF website. Click the link below to visit our Challenge page for details on registering.


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