#CyberChats Podcast

#CyberChats Podcast Challenge

Instructions for Creating an Account on MetaCTF

Instructions for Creating an Account on MetaCTF

1. Go to https://metactf.com/join/cyberchats

2. Click "Create an Account" to make a new one or "Login to Continue" if you already have an account. Individuals who are 13 or younger will need permission from a parent/guardian - see section below for instructions.

3. Fill out personal information associated with account. Your display name can be changed & your real name will not be publicly visible.

4. You will receive an email with a verification link - sent to the email address you register with. Use this link to complete MetaCTF's registration & verify your account.

5. Complete additional account information. Alias/username & affiliation will be visible to others on the scoreboard.

6. After clicking register, you can view available events & challenges. 

7. Click "Compete" to begin!

8. Under "Problems," you can access challenges for Season 2. Happy Hacking!

13 & Under Registration Requirements

If you are a parent, guardian, teacher, club sponsor, etc, to a child(ren) age 13 or younger, please email the below information to cyberchats@cryptologicfoundation.org to request login credentials for your child(ren):

Subject line: MetaCTF credentials request

Body of email (input the correct information in the yellow-highlighted brackets):

"I am a [parent/guardian/teacher/other] of [a child/children] age 13 or younger. I am requesting [# of] account credential(s) for the MetaCTF platform."

A National Cryptologic Foundation team member will respond within three business days.
After you receive the account credentials, navigate to the MetaCTF login page & follow the instructions above regarding creating an account.

Online Cyber Game

Check out the second game in the Amanita Whitehat series.