An Inside Look at Developing an Immersive CyberSecurity Game - presented by CyberHawk Games

Title of Chat: An Inside Look at Developing an Immersive CyberSecurity Game
Chat Presenters: CyberHawk Games
Date of Chat: 24 March 2022
Link to Recording:  View a recording of this Chat via the NCF #CyberChats Playlist on YouTube.

Description of Chat: The National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) worked with interns from Anne Arundel Community College to create a cybersecurity computer game to be featured in a kiosk at the National Cryptologic Museum. The team, who refer to themselves as CyberHawk Games, is comprised of students studying cybersecurity and game development.

The team is now building upon their first game to develop a sequel with more difficult puzzles and a larger world - all with the goal of helping middle school level students and up learn about cybersecurity and/or become interested in the field. In the game, players become the main character and cybersecurity expert, Amanita Whitehat. Students can play the initial game on the NCF website.

During this NCF #CyberChats session, the CyberHawk Games team shares things they learned from creating Amanita's premiere adventure and how they will apply those lessons to the next game. Included are behind-the-scenes looks at the game design process, inspirations for the second game, how to work together as a team, how Easter Eggs come about, and Q&A. The team welcomes constructive feedback and invites students to be involved with their latest project.

This Chat was originally presented via Nepris. You can view a recording of the Chat via if you have a Nepris account.

Learn about upcoming NCF Chats or view the archive.

Key Questions

* How do you bring people with different education specialties to work together on a project?
* How do you decide on what the game should look like and what you do in the game?
* How do you decide what cybersecurity concepts to include in the game?
* What worked and what didn't from the first game?
* Questions for attendees: Can you find the Easter Eggs from the first game? What should we include in the sequel?

Expected Outcomes

Students will understand how to organize different skills and ideas within the engineering and design process to build a computer game.

Cybersecurity Computer Gaming

Explore the Amanita Whitehat cyber game series.