Careers in Cybersecurity - An NCF Panel Discussion

NCF #CyberChats - Careers in Cybersecurity

Title of Chat: Careers in Cybersecurity
Chat Presenters: Panel of cyber professionals
Date of Chat: 16 Feb 2022
Link to Recording:  View a recording of this Chat via the NCF #CyberChats Playlist on YouTube.
More NCF #CyberChats:  Learn about upcoming Chats & view the Chats archives.

Description of Chat:  During this NCF #CyberChats session - a panel of professionals from various cyber careers share details about their career paths, as well as current jobs available in the cybersecurity industry.

The panel consisted of both younger and more seasoned professionals, and focused on cyber careers such as IT (information technology) and Penetration Testing.

Key Questions:
* How did you become interested in cybersecurity?
* What are the qualifications needed to get a job in cybersecurity career field?
* What types of cybersecurity careers are available?
* How did you know what branch of cybersecurity that you wanted to go into?
* What is the starting salary like in cybersecurity?
* What is the work environment like?

Expected Outcomes:
Students will learn that cybersecurity is a large career field with lots of available jobs. There are numerous paths to gaining entry into the field and there are lots of opportunities to grow and learn.

This Chat was originally presented via Nepris.

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