The Woman All Spies Fear - presented by Amy Butler Greenfield

NCF #CyberChats session with Amy Butler Greenfield - The Woman All Spies Fear

Title of Chat: The Woman All Spies Fear
Chat Presenter: Amy Butler Greenfield
Date of Chat: 20 Oct 2021
Link to Recording: View a recording of this Chat via the NCF #CyberChats Playlist on YouTube.

Chat Description: During this NCF #CyberChats session, Amy Butler Greenfield discussed her new teen and young adult nonfiction book: "The Woman All Spies Fear," to share information about code breaker Elizebeth Smith Friedman and her hidden life.

The presentation gives students insight into the history of code breaking and helps them think about what lessons they can take away into potential careers in cybersecurity.

Learn about upcoming NCF #CyberChats or visit the Chat archives.

This program was originally persented via and can be viewed on Nepris with an account.

Key Questions:
* Who was Elizebeth Smith Freidman?
* How did she become a code breaker?
* What did Elizebeth contribute to the war effort?
* What lessons can students take away as they consider potential career opportunities?

Expected Outcomes:
Students will explore the role women have played as code breakers, and consider their own potential futures in cybersecurity.

Cybersecurity Computer Gaming

Explore the Amanita Whitehat cyber game series.