Getting Started with Cybersecurity - An Overview of Cyber Careers Week with Jennifer Langdon

Date of Chat: 18 Oct 2021

During this NCF #CyberChat, Jennifer Langdon from the NCF shared her experience with teachers and students about how to get involved in cybersecurity. She highlighted other cyber presentations being presented by the NCF this year for Cyber Careers Awareness Week.

Key Questions
* Why is cybersecurity worth discussing?
* What resources are available to teachers and students to learn about cyber security?
* What will be offered this week for Cyber Careers week?

Expected Outcomes
* Participants will learn that cybersecurity is an important career field worth considering!

Visit the Nepris course page to watch a recording of the program. Please note you will need at least a free Nepris account to view the recording.

Learn about upcoming NCF #CyberChats or visit the Chat archives.

Cybersecurity Computer Gaming

Explore the Amanita Whitehat cyber game series.