Date of Chat: 4 May 2021
Chat Title: Charting a Path to a Future in Cybersecurity
Chat Topic: Cyber Careers
Chat Presenters: Jenny Daugherty and Mark Emry
Recording: View a recording of this Chat via our YouTube channel.
More #CyberChats: Learn more about #CyberChats and our Podcast.
Have you heard about hackers or about cyber attacks in the news and wondered who is in charge of dealing with these issues? What might a career in cybersecurity be like and how do people pursue this type of career?
In this NCF #CyberChats session, Teach Cyber's Jenny Daugherty and Mark Emry, a Teach Cyber high school teacher, discuss different paths to a cybersecurity career and provide an overview of the breadth of cybersecurity opportunities students can explore.
This Chat was presented online via Nepris.