Seize the Moment - with Ms. Diane M. Janosek, Commandant of the National Cryptologic School

Date of Chat: 9 Nov 2020
Chat Topic:  Opportunities for women in cybersecurity.
Chat Presenter:  Diane M. Janosek, Commandant of the National Cryptologic School
Recording:  View a recording of the Chat via our YouTube channel.
More about #CyberChats: Learn more about our #CyberChats - including the Podcast.

During this NCF #CyberChats session - Ms. Diane M. Janosek, Commandant of the National Cryptologic School, 2020 Cyber Impact Award-winner, and one of 2020’s Top 100 Women in Cybersecurity shares her Top Five Tips for Women in Cyber. 

Ms. Janosek talks about the contributions of women in America – the roles they were given, the roles they commandeered, and the roles in which they are needed today. The cybersecurity field is and has always been dominated by men. Today, women make up about one quarter of the cyber workforce, but as the US is facing a drastic increase in the number of cyber jobs, the time is now for women to seize the opportunity to become a force in cybersecurity.  

This #CyberChats session took place via Nepris online. 

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