Cybersecurity Principles & Careers: A Discussion with the Queens of Code

Date of Chat: 11 June 2020
Title of Chat: Cybersecurity Principles and Careers: Queens of Code Discussion
Chat Topic: Cyber Careers
Chat Presenters: Eileen Buckholtz, Dr. Nancy Welker, Kathy Jackson, and Monna Nabers
Recording: View a recording of this Chat via our YouTube Channel.
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During this NCF #CyberChats session - Queens of Code Eileen Buckholtz, Dr. Nancy Welker, Kathy Jackson, and Monna Nabers share their education and career experiences.

What was it like growing up in the 1950s and 1960s —especially being a “smart girl”? How has technology changed since then? Four Queens of Code who were technology pioneers and who worked for the National Security Agency, share what inspired them to pursue non-traditional technical careers and their first experiences with computers and technology.

This chat took place via Nepris online.

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