Why and How to Get Started Teaching Cybersecurity Concepts - with Dr. Loyce Pailen, Dr. Brandie Shatto, and Ms. Nora Blasko

Date of Chat: 12 February 2020
Chat Title: Why and How to Get Started Teaching Cybersecurity Concepts
Chat Topic: Teaching Cyber, Cyber Careers
Chat Presenters: Dr. Loyce Best Pailen, Dr. Brandie Shatto, Ms. Nora Blasko, and Mark Loepker (moderator)
Recording: View a recording of this chat via our YouTube channel.
More #CyberChats: Learn more about NCF #CyberChats and our Podcast.

The supply of cybersecurity professionals has fallen far short of demand, with some studies estimating the gap being as large as 600,000 professionals needed to meet the Nations demand.

Considering this, the University of Maryland Global Campus (UMGC) hosted a National Security Agency GenCyber Teacher Camp in the summer of 2019 to promote best practices in cybersecurity pedagogys. This included the development of curricula and lesson plans that can be used to infuse cybersecurity principles across many subject areas.  This session for middle and high school teachers spotlights the need for such programs and highlights the main concepts, curricula, terms and labs relevant to K-12 cybersecurity education. It also covers challenges in teaching cybersecurity, next steps, and guidelines for win-win solutions for students, as well as the creation of a workforce pipeline.

Presenters include:

  • Dr. Loyce Best Pailen - Professor at UMGC & Director for the Center of Security Studies
  • Dr. Brandie Shatto - Associate Professor & Chair of M.Ed. Instructional Technology Program at UMGC
  • Ms. Nora Blasko - Teacher at Great Mills High School & Coach of Cyberpatriot teams & Girls Who Code clubs


Learning Objectives

  • Synthesizing GenCyber H.S. Teacher camp curriculum
  • Focusing on major themes for K-12 Cybersecurity Education
  • Determining Solutions for teaching cybersecurity for win-win solutions for students and the workforce pipeline needs.

Learning Topics

  • Defining the cybersecurity workforce supply and demand
  • Developing a dynamic GenCyber HS Teacher Program
  • Identifying THE main Six (6) Cyber concepts
  • Introducing labs like NetLabs, Raspberry PI, Cryptography, hands-on Hacker Labs


After attending the webinar, you should be able to:

  • Explain the need for teaching cybersecurity at the K-12 level
  • Determine the best introductory cybersecurity concepts to teach in the K-12 HS arena
  • Articulate the 6 major cybersecurity concepts to convey to students.
  • Explain the value of hands-on labs for teaching cybersecurity concepts
  • Use NetLabs tools for teaching, learning and advancing one’s technology skills

Cybersecurity Computer Gaming

Explore the Amanita Whitehat cyber game series.