22nd Annual Eagle Alliance Hosted Crypto Cup Golf Tournament

The 22nd Annual Eagle Alliance Hosted Crypto Cup Golf Tournament benefiting the NCF. The tournament will take place on October 19, 2023 at Waverly Woods Golf Course in Mariottsville, MD. *** Please register to play by October 10, 2023.
Check-in will begin at 8am EDT and the tournament will begin at 9am with a Captain's Choice/Shotgun start. Lunch, raffle, and awards after play ends. Raffle tickets will be available at the tournament. The event will conclude after the Awards Banquet.
New this year:
* Hole-in-Two Contest - at one Par 5 hole, players have an opportunity to win a trip to Pebble Beach with the help of Charity Golf International's Professional Long Driver! Any team making a $200 donation will have 4 chances (1 chance per golfer) to hole out from Charity Golf International’s drive from the fairway (Hole in 2)! $5,000 trip includes: American Airlines airfare for 2, two nights at The Pebble Beach Lodge, and 3 Rounds of Golf (Pebble Beach Links, Spyglass Hill, & Spanish Bay). **May also substitute Spa/Dining Credits for Golf.
* Hot Shot Golf Ball Cannon - Players interested in trying their luck at the cannon can take a shot for $10.
This year's event will again feature a "Beat the Pro" hole. Players can make a donation of $10 to $100 at the hole for a chance to beat the pro!
A variety of sponsorship opportunities are available, but remember that some are exclusive opportunities - so act fast! The individual player registration fee this year is $150. Click the register now button to see details about what is included with the player registration fee and with each available sponsorship.
*** Sponsors are encouraged to provide a small logo item for the participant gift bags.
If you have questions or would like to donate a raffle item, please contact Crypto Cup Event Coordinator Karen Rios at karen.rios@gdit.com or 301-256-3888.