NCF Guest Speakers - 10 May 2022
24th NCF General Membership Meeting & Annual Cryptologic Symposium
Mr. Harry Wetherbee
Harry Wetherbee retired from the Central Intelligence Agency in 2015 after a 48-year career. Over the course of his career he served in multiple operational assignments overseas including Moscow, Addis Ababa, New Dehli, Oslo, and Islamabad. A gifted leader, he was well known across the Intelligence Community for his ability to work across multiple agencies to advance our nation’s intelligence capabilities. Upon his retirement, he was the recipient of the George Washington Spymaster Award, the highest honor bestowed by the Intelligence Community. As the author (using pen name of Donald Alexander) of The Character of a Leader – A Handbook for the Young Leader (2015), Harry captured his lessons in leadership based on decades of experience, research, and reflection. His book challenges and inspires us to make a difference every day of our lives and reminds us that true leadership requires strength of character and integrity.
Harry received his BA in history from the University of North Carolina in 1967.
Ms. Betsy Rohaly Smoot

Betsy Rohaly Smoot is an intelligence historian interested in early twentieth-century cryptology and communications who recently published her book, Parker Hitt: Father of American Military Cryptology (March 2022) in which she brings Hitt’s legacy to life, chronicling his upbringing, multiple careers, ingenious mind, and independent spirit. She has published articles in both Cryptologia and Intelligence and National Security. She retired from the Center for Cryptologic History of the National Security Agency in 2017.