NCF Senior Training Advisor Mr. Darnell Washington Presents at the 2022 Cryptologic History Symposium

NCF Senior Training Advisor Darnell Washington Presents at 2022 CCH Symposium
Summary of Mr. Washington's Presentation for the 2022 CCH Cryptologic History Symposium:
During the Cryptologic History Symposium, NCF Senior Advisor for Training Mr. Darnell Washington provided an engaging presentation on “The Submarine Detection System you probably didn’t hear about."
During his presentation he discussed non-acoustical methods for submarine detection and anti-submarine warfare, and how cryptography and communications security was vital and still is today.
He also demonstrated an innovative approach that was developed by the US Navy to locate submarines using hydrodynamic phenomena that could determine the path, size, class, and speed of a submarine for up to four hours after detection even when it was not seen or heard using traditional SONAR.
Visit this link to see the full CCH program and get links to video presentations.
About the Cryptologic History Symposium:
The Center for Cryptologic History (CCH) and the National Cryptologic Foundation (NCF) hosted the 18th Cryptologic History Symposium as an all virtual event on 11-12 May 2022. The theme for the 2022 program was "Icons and Innovation." Click to learn more about this biennial Symposium.