In Memoriam Registry Honorees

Personal Reflections of Roger Buck from friend Ray Reed

Roger Buck

Roger Buck

It is a true honor to sponsor my friend Roger Buck for the National Cryptologic Foundation's In Memoriam Registry.

His death in July 2023 marked the passing of an NSA legend, who was also a treasure to know as a personal friend.

We each joined NSA in the mid sixties, and our careers were intertwined for decades. As a puzzle aficionado, I enjoyed a fun and successful career, but he was on a higher level and retired an NSA senior level expert, having earned many awards and accolades.

He was unique in his mastery of the fine points of cryptomath, while being adept in managing and leading others, and he could show mere mortals how to contribute.  Early in his career, a friend and manager told him he was “a legend in his own time” (not mind), which he modestly took with a grain of salt, but it was actually true.

I met him early in our careers, having worked in closely connected organizations. We both attended the Johns Hopkins graduate program after work, where I saw him occasionally. On a break from one of our evening classes, I overheard him talking about the birth of his son Bryan, and understood the joy and pride he felt, as my son Brett was also born around that time.

Roger helped me grasp and apply a newly minted math technique which, with some assistance from his office, I used in the solution of a high-priority and tough problem in our division.

A few years later, we combined again in another organization, and again enjoyed a highly successful analytic campaign, which he organized and managed to perfection. It literally involved hundreds of people - multiple organizations and technical personnel at all levels of expertise - which he handled all in stride, as usual.

Finally, as veteran cryptologists, we spent a sabbatical year together at a contractor site with high academic credentials. There, despite his demanding involvement at work, he always took time to be a supportive and gracious friend. The time we shared there, both at work and with friends and family, remains one of my favorite memories.

His career was remarkable, his accomplishments hugely important, his impact on the field of cryptology long lasting, and his friendship and mentorship genuine and invaluable. Add him to the list of national treasures.

I am very proud to sponsor Roger Buck, in lasting respect and affection, for the National Cryptologic Foundation In Memoriam Registry.

~ Ray Reed

Sponsored for the In Memoriam Registry by Ray Reed