Cryptologic Bytes

"On This Date in Cryptologic History" Calendar

1941: First Americans visit Bletchley Park.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

8 February 1941: First Americans visit Bletchley Park - beginning U.S. - U.K. cryptologic cooperation during World War II.

In late January 2021, the NCMF hosted a virtual cryptologic program featuring Dr. David Sherman, "American Codebreakers at Bletchley Park, 1941-1945." Dr. Sherman discussed a secret February 1941 U.S. visit to Britain’s wartime codebreaking center and how it set the stage for the enduring partnership that emerged after World War II, a partnership often called the closest and most important relationship in the history of intelligence.

Click the link below to watch the full recording of the program - to include Q&A with Dr. Sherman.

Please also see a link below to learn about the 75 Years of Cooperation Exhibit to celebrate the collaboration between the US and the UK.


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