On 16 October 2019, the Center for Cryptologic History (CCH) announced that Code Girls author, Ms. Liza Mundy, will be the NSA/CSS Scholar-in-Residence for 2019-2020.
During the year, the chosen academic spends time researching and writing books and articles on unclassified topics of importance to the study of cryptologic history. Past Scholars have included Dr. David Kahn, Dr. John Ferris, Dr. Rebecca Ratcliff, and Dr. Craig Bauer.
Ms. Mundy is no stranger to in-depth research. Her book Code Girls: The Untold Story of the American Women Code Breakers of World War II (published in 2017) reveals the major, untold story of 10,000 American women who decrypted signals intelligence during World War II. Code Girls was both a New York Times best seller and a Washington Post best seller. A version for young readers was published in 2018.
The National Cryptologic Museum Foundation (NCMF) was thrilled to welcome Ms. Mundy as our guest speaker for our 2018 Spring Cryptologic Program where she spoke about Code Girls. Learn more about that program and watch a REPLAY of the presentation.