...our citizens to be cyber smart, and develop pathways for the future cyber workforce.


    ...and convene partners to address emerging cyber and cryptologic issues.


    ...our cryptologic history & those who served within the cryptologic community.


Advance the nation’s interest in cyber and cryptology through leadership, education, and partnerships.


*** Remember to check out our "On This Date in History" calendar. See link below.

Saturday, May 4, 2024
8:30 am2:00 pm
TAC's TheLink, 7000 Columbia Gateway
Suite 150
Columbia, AL 21046

Wednesday, May 15, 2024
5:45 pm8:30 pm
Hyatt Place Ellipse Rooftop Bar
1522 K St NW
Washington, DC 20005

"The Long and Winding History of Encryption" via "The Atlantic"

"The Long and Winding History of Encryption": The technology that keeps your text messages private had its start on the banks of the Tigris River, 3500 years ago.

by Kaveh Waddell Jan 13, 2016 for "The Atlantic" magazine FULL ARTICLE

"Never in history have more people had access to advanced encryption in their homes, offices, and pockets. The most basic online transactions and communications that Internet users conduct every day are thoroughly encrypted in transit, and are undecipherable without proper keys.

The democratization of encryption is a recent phenomenon: Only since the 1990s has computer encryption been open and freely available. But humans have been communicating with codes and ciphers for thousands of years, using rudimentary encryption methods to protect trade secrets and military orders, or simply to keep information private from neighbors.

For Gerhard Strasser, the story begins more than 3000 years ago, in Mesopotamia. Strasser, who studied the history of cryptology for decades at Pennsylvania State University, traces the development of encryption through the Middle East and Europe, and even to India, where it's mentioned in the Kama Sutra. He tells of a Medieval German cryptographer accused of black magic, and an 18th-century government minister in France who devised an ingenious way to spy on visitors.

I spoke to Strasser, now a professor emeritus in his native Germany, about the deep history of encryption. A transcript of our conversation appears below, edited for concision and clarity."

...... Read full article/interview via link above.

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On This Day In History


  • President Roosevelt signs bill into law, creating the Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), the women's branch of the United States Army.

About Us

The NCF's Vision is to strengthen trust in the digital ecosystem.

The NCF Mission: Advance the nation’s interest in cyber and cryptology as we:

Educate citizens to be cyber smart individuals, 

Develop pathways for the future cyber and cryptologic workforce, 

Engage and convene partners to address emerging cyber and cryptologic issues and, 

Commemorate our cryptologic history and those who served. 

The Foundation provides exceptional cryptologic programs, encourages young minds to learn about cryptology and to explore cyber-related career opportunities, hosts educational, cryptology-related exhibits at various community events, and honors the people— past and present—whose contributions to our national security protect and make possible our way of life.

The NCF also provides needed support to the National Cryptologic Museum (NCM), the first public museum in the U.S. Intelligence Community. Located adjacent to the National Security Agency (NSA) in Maryland, the NCM houses a unique and priceless collection of artifacts that represent our Nation's history in code making and code breaking, as well as a world class library of cryptologic media. The NCF has acquired rare and invaluable artifacts for the Museum and helps to support new educational and interactive exhibits.

The NCF is a 501(c)(3) organization.

Learn more about our MISSION, VISION, and VALUES.